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chain debts中文是什么意思

用"chain debts"造句"chain debts"怎么读"chain debts" in a sentence


  • 三角债
  • 上不封顶
  • 下不保底


  • Due to the imperfection of the credit system and management mechanism , enterprises are suffering from some substantive bad account and series of chain debt . there is even a plaint prevailing among many enterprises “ selling on account beget a dead end ; no credit sale is waiting to die ”
    由于我国目前社会信用体制不完善、企业管理水平低下的限制,在相当长的时间里出现了巨额的坏账、 “三角债” ,很多企业竟然发出了“赊销是找死,不赊销是等死”的感叹。
  • Modern economy is credit economy , but breaking credit is a quite serious problem which have been in existence in our economy for a long time . such phenomena as fake or inferior quality commodity , breach of contract and business fraud are very popular , chain debts and bad assets occur time after time , all kinds of economic crimes are on the rise in successive years
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